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Stacy Webb

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

“We want to help Compass families during this crisis. We have lots of food and lots of cooks!”

Credo restaurant’s General Manager, Brandon Heist, reached out to Compass Family Services to offer meals during the COVID-19 crisis. And they came through in a very big way, delivering 230 meals Tuesday morning before our doors opened at 9am to families.

“This was a big help to our families today,” says Erica Kisch, Executive Director. “Many of our services for families have been limited over the last week so when we opened this morning to provide essential items like diapers, hygiene, and getting them their mail, being able to offer them a nice, healthy meal made with love was just perfect.”

Credo General Manager, Brandon Heist, and Chef, Larry Finn, and additional staff deliver meals to Compass Family Services Tuesday morning.

Credo is a member of and has supported Compass for many years through their annual event, Toast & Taste, and through their nonprofit of the month program.

Although temporarily closed for all food orders now, we hope you’ll join us at Credo when they’re open once again.

Thank You, Team Credo!

You can help additional families today by purchasing a COVID-19 Family Care Kit that includes gift cards for groceries, medicine, and household items.


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