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Twitter NeighborNest

A Twitter and Compass Partner Program


Twitter NeighborNest is a family-friendly learning center that provides access to technology for homeless and at-risk families in the Mid-Market, Tenderloin and SOMA areas. 

COVID-19 NeighborNest Update


As the anchor partner, Compass Family Services has been working closely with Twitter to develop and design the programming and create a space that fosters positive connections.

Since opening in 2015, the NeighborNest has had the pleasure of hosting more than 17,000 visits from residents and community members, and conducting 4,700 hours of programming. This wouldn't have been possible without the commitment and support of over 15 partner organizations and 1,600 hours of service from Twitter volunteers.

We are excited about how the tech center has become a diverse community creating new possibilities through access to technology and a love for learning. It is a warm, welcoming space where friends of the Nest can do work, learn, socialize, and let their kids play.

Programs and classes offered include: Digital Literacy that includes Basic and Intermediate Computer classes in English and Spanish, Family Story Hour, Housing Search, Movie Night, Music and Movement, and Bouncing Baby Class.

Our computer lab is open during operating hours for families to access a computer and the internet, print, and fax. Drop-in childcare is available while parents attend classes and use the computer lab.



415-644-0504 phone
415-644-0514 fax



95 Hayes Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

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