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Expertos dedicados a ayudar a familias necesitadas

Equipo de liderazgo

Compass tiene un personal de aproximadamente 150 profesionales increíbles que lo hacen todo para ayudar a las familias a alcanzar sus metas. A continuación se encuentran los líderes del personal de Compass (supervisores, gerentes y directores) que guían y apoyan a nuestros equipos y trabajan con la Junta para establecer las prioridades y la visión de la organización.

"I joined the FAC because I am a single mother of five children and I’m homeless … I feel like I need to be the voice for single mothers and people in general that don’t have a home … More needs to be done and more should be done, and if I don’t speak up, then who will?" - FAC Member 

That's a wrap on the FIRST ever
Family Advisory Committee cohort!


Advocacy Day at City Hall

On May 21, the FAC headed to City Hall to spend the day speaking with the SF Board of Supervisors. With the support of Compass staff, all eight members of the FAC sat down with the supervisors to share their stories and recommendations for how to improve the homeless response system for families. Some members of the FAC have continued to work with Board members to endorse policies.


The FAC in the news

8 homeless moms in San Francisco struggled for help. Now, they're advocating for others - Associated Press


SF to offer homeless migrant families temporary hotel stays, as the rest languish - SF Public Press


More information on the Compass Blog

EMPOWERING ADVOCACY: Compass launches the Family Advisory Committee


Celebrating the success of the Compass Family Advisory Committee: Reflections from our inaugural cohort


FAC Infographic (1)_edited_edited.png



Left to right, back row: Kendra Froshman (Compass staff), Wendy, Danica, Caprice, Teniah, Jennifer,

Left to right, front row: Leslie, Mirian, Chris, Hope Kamer (Compass staff), Alisha Zhao (Compass staff)


Applications for the 2025 cohort will be sent out to Compass families in Fall 2024. You must be a parent over the age of 18, currently receiving services from Compass Family Services to apply.​


More details coming soon...

Connect with us!

If you have any questions or feedback about the Compass Family Advisory Committee, please contact:


Alisha Zhao, Policy and Organizing Manager at

Servicios familiares de Compass

37 Grove Street,

San Francisco, CA 94102

(415) 644-0504


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