Respuesta ante crisis de emergencia COVID-19
Las familias sin hogar y en riesgo se encuentran entre las más afectadas por la crisis de COVID-19. Compass respondió de inmediato, adaptando la programación para satisfacer la situación en evolución y creando múltiples iniciativas innovadoras para abordar el crecimiento exponencial de las necesidades entre las familias vulnerables y sin hogar de San Francisco.
Cómo puedes ayudar
Puede apoyar a los niños y padres vulnerables de nuestra comunidad satisfaciendo nuestras mayores necesidades para apoyar nuestros esfuerzos de respuesta a crisis.
Actualmente, tenemos una gran necesidad de los siguientes artÃculos:
Bolsas de papel para comestibles
Máscaras para niños y adultos.
Kits de higiene y artÃculos de tocador
ArtÃculos de higiene femenina
Suministros escolares
Computadoras portátiles, tabletas (menos de 3 años) y auriculares
Cómo estamos apoyando a las familias durante esta crisis ...
Adaptation of Services
Starting March 16th, Compass moved all service provision that it could to remote work. This means that our case managers and therapists are working with clients via phone and video. The full team continues to work tirelessly in a remote capacity to ensure that our families continue to receive care and connection throughout the shelter-in-place.
Food for Families
Compass has partnered with restaurants and food service providers to ensure that the families in our shelter and transitional housing facilities are able to eat plentifully during the shelter-in-place. Through the generosity of a number of private funders, we have had regular deliveries of fresh hot meals multiple times a week. In addition, non-perishable groceries, snack packs and boxed lunches have been available to clients visiting drop-in hours at our 37 Grove Family Service Hub.
Hotel Stays for the Unsheltered
We partnered with our sister organizations Homeless Prenatal Program, Hamilton Families and others to secure a block of hotel rooms in SOMA and use private funding to house unsheltered families. Starting the week of April 12th, through that program we are housing 30 families through June. Compass has also housed additional families in hotel rooms outside of that partnership.
Laptops, Tablets and Headsets for Families
Family Care Kits
Kids’ Activity Packs
Compass is working to provide needed technology to families so that they can stay connected during quarantine and so that kids can keep learning. We are accepting donations of new and used tablets, laptops and headsets.
Through the generosity of hundreds of donors, Compass has provided $450 in digital gift cards for essential needs at Safeway, Target, and Walmart to more than 600 families.
Compass staff and volunteers have put together age appropriate packages of fun and educational materials (crayons, legos, etc.) for 425 children served by our programs.