How to Host a Bake Sale Fundraiser
Host a bake sale with your family, classmates, coworkers or community members to raise money to support the 6,000 homeless and at-risk children and parents Compass Family Services serve.
How Do I Plan a Bake Sale Fundraiser?
1. Choose a visible location with a lot of foot traffic, such as a popular neighborhood store, in front of a local bank or in a busy area near a school.
2. Choose a day and time when you know people will be thirsty for your delicious lemonade! The best times are lunch time, after work, or weekend mornings.
​3. Make your lemonade! Check out Karin’s recipe for Sweet and Tart Lemonade.
4. Set up a table and a few chairs for your friends and put out the lemonade you created. Make sure you are comfortable (use a sun shade or umbrella) and that there is a safe place to keep your hard-earned money!
5. Talk to your customers about Compass Family Services. You are fundraising for a great cause and you should let everyone know. Don’t forget to provide copies of our Compass-at-a-Glance fact sheets so others can learn more about Compass and how they can get involved!

How Do I Advertise my Bake Sale Fundraiser?
Communication is key! Invite people to your lemonade stand by email, text, or old-fashion paper. Don't forget to send out a reminder a day or two before, and the day of your event!
Post about your event on social media. We love seeing your posts! Tag and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Create signage! Get creative and use colored markers, sequins, glitter and more on printer paper and/or larger poster board.
Post flyers in busy areas! You might have to ask permission in certain public places like cafes.
Once your successful bake sale fundraiser ends, you can donate your proceeds to Compass Family Services by check, cash or credit card.